Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Pitt is credentialed and operates at HonorHealth Thompson Peak, HonorHealth Shea, HonorHealth Osborn, and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Center of Paradise Valley.
Dr. Pitt does specify the facility for most surgeries where special equipment may be needed or a possible one-night stay may be necessary.
Often, surgery at an OON facility will cost you the same or less than an in-network facility. We only use OON facilities for those that have specific benefits and choose to have surgery there. You will always know exactly how much you will be required to pay and a comparison between OON and in-network costs will be given to you by the surgical facility so you may decide how to proceed. You are never required to go to an OON facility.
You may contact us at 602-218-6556, if your claim has been accepted. If you are an occupational medicine facility, adjuster or nurse case manager, they should still contact us at the number of above to schedule an appointment.
You will need your full legal name, date of birth, insurance information including name, policy number and group number, policyholder’s name and contact information, if different from yours.
Yes, Federal and state laws require several forms to be completed at all visits. For NEW patients, you must complete the following forms:
- New Patient Spine Questionnaire which includes health history
- Financial Agreements
- Supplemental Medicare Opt out form if you are a Medicare patient
We try to accommodate everyone as soon as possible. We realize that everyone’s problem is urgent to them. If you have an ACUTE injury, we will try to work you in sooner so we can provide the best treatment. For problems that have existed for more than a few weeks, please book your appointment for next available and we can place you on a wait list in case we have a cancellation. Please realize that Dr. Pitt may be full because he is often in high demand and we do our best to see everyone promptly.
Schedule the appointment just like any new patient and complete the required forms. If you have had surgery on your spine, please bring bring a disc of your MRI, CT or Xray films and diagnostic reports to your visit.
Dr. Pitt appreciates that when patients pay out of pocket, they expect value and service. We will provide you with our anticipated fees prior to your appointment.
Our billing department will be responsible for billing you and collecting all fees that are not paid in the office at the time of service. They will also be your contact for any questions, or concerns. It is important to contact our billing department should you not be able to pay your bill to avoid being turned over to collections. Please call 602-218-6556 if you have any questions.
An EOB is generated by your insurance company to let you know how much was billed the provider for the services and what they agree to pay. This will also list your share of costs according to your specific insurance contract. This is not a bill, only information that you can use to plan for any amount owed. You will receive a bill directly from us for any amount owed.
You will be required to pay the amount owed immediately upon receipt of a bill. The bill will not include any prepaid amounts you may have made at the time of service. Failing to pay your bill on time will result in us having to turn over your account to a collection agency and possibly garnish wages or take other measures. If you have unusual circumstances, please contact us to see if we can arrange a payment plan. Please be advised that a 30% surcharge will be added to your account if we have to send you to collections.
Dr. Pitt is proud to see and treat all patients. However, he is NOT contracted with insurance plans at this time. Please refer to our Cash Pay Policy page and contact the office for more information, as this information may change.
Dr. Pitt sees many patients with insurance plans with which he is not contracted. You can still be seen and have an opinion from Dr. Pitt. However, you will be responsible for payment at the time of your visit. Dr. Pitt provides steep discounts for those patients paying for surgeries so that it remains affordable. If you have OON benefits, you may be able to submit the amount you paid to your insurance company and it will be applied to your OON deductible. If you do not have OON benefits, your insurance will likely not apply any amount towards your deductible. We cannot file any insurance claims for plans with which we are not contracted and Medicare does not have OON benefits. Please see our Cash Pay Policy and Insurance Information pages for more information.
Health insurance is very complicated. Much of the internal processes are unknown to providers and patients, which gives insurance companies overwhelming control. As you have a direct contract with your insurance plan, your policy defines all that you are permitted to do. The provider is also separately contracted if in-network. If their contract does not align with yours, some services may not be covered. Unfortunately, there is no real way to know this ahead of time. That is why insurance plans say they need to authorize services but in fine print state, “AUTHORIZATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE PAYMENT”.
Often patients who see Dr. Pitt OON pay less than if he was contracted with their insurance. As your insurance states you may be “balanced billed” by an OON provider, meaning you pay the difference between billed charges and what the insurance will pay. Dr. Pitt does NOT fully balance bill and can discount his services if needed. What you pay will depend upon your deductible, procedure required and what OON benefits you may have. If you need surgery, you are only required to pay Dr. Pitt’s fees and not the facility, physical therapy or anesthesia (if these providers are take your insurance), less your deductible. Again, our aim is to provide you with the best, highest quality, affordable care. Please refer to our Cash Pay Policy page for more information.
Dr. Pitt has opted out of Medicare since 2023. However, he continues to see and treat Medicare patients who have agreed to pay his fees directly. As with Out-of-Network or other cash paying patients, he discounts his fees to make it very affordable for patients to seek expert care from him. Please refer to our Cash Pay Policy page for more information.
Discounts can only be given legally if you pay in full at the time of service. If you have to make payments, discounts cannot be applied.
Please go to the CONTACT US page of the website for phone numbers.
At Spine Disorders of Arizona, we provide outstanding customer service for our patients, which includes prompt answering of phone calls from a "live" person. You will always be in contact with a person who is committed to promptly return all messages and emails without use of phone trees. As long as correct contact information is left, all messages, will be returned as soon as possible, within the same day. If you ever have an issue with prompt return of messages, please call use at 602-218-6556.
If you think you have a true emergency, please proceed to the closest emergency room or call 911. If you have an urgent concern or request, call anyone on staff during normal business hours and they can assist immediately. You can find all contact information on the CONTACT US page of the website.
For after hours urgent matters, i.e. possible postoperative complication, etc., please call our main office number at 602-218-6556 and you will be forwarded to Dr. Pitt or one of his staff for immediate assistance. Please note that administrative questions will not be handled after hours. After hours calls should be for suspected URGENT matters only.
Dr. Pitt only prescribes medicine for actively treated patients and by e-Prescription only. Dr. Pitt will not refill, even temporarily, any medicine prescribed by another physician, so plan accordingly.
Please call our office and speak to one of our staff members who will assist you. 602-218-6556.
Unfortunately, regardless of what any physician states, a surgeon is only as good as his/her results and any critical review by the specialist's medical board. Regardless of your orthopedic condition or medical problem, it is important that you do your homework before seeing any physician. Surgery is an art requiring intellect and problem-solving skills, as well as superb hand-eye coordination, fine motor, and 3-D spatial skills. Dr. Pitt focuses only on spine-related problems and has been vetted by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, passing his third grueling oral board examination on September 6th 2024. This oral, written, and literature review examination is required every 10 years to ensure patient safety. Doctors and nurses working in the community will also vouch for doctors who are excellent at what they do. The Arizona Medical Board also reviews complaints levied by patients and will investigate claims to ensure that the surgeon is safe to continue working in the community. The Arizona Medical Board has never found issue with the care that Dr. Pitt has provided to his community since arriving in Arizona 24 years ago.
Unfortunately, there is not any one place for patients to obtain reliable information. Because of federal privacy laws, much of the needed data is unavailable to the public. Insurance companies rate physicians based upon their utilization of services and costs, and NOT THE QUALITY OF THEIR WORK. Online rating sites are unreliable, although numerous complaints for one doctor in a short period of time, may indicate a problem. Because all physicians have both good and bad reviews, it is important to ask as many people as possible such as friends, family, co-workers , etc., for their opinions before seeking medical attention for an elective problem. At the minimum, make sure the physician is board certified and has at least 10 years of experience because it takes 10 years or 10,000 hours of repetition to become an expert. Check the state board for complaints. Finally, interview the physician at the time of your first appointment. Ask your doctor about a negative review if you are concerned. You can always make a change if you are not comfortable. This is YOUR HEALTH so take control of it.