Minimally Invasive Surgery
Minimally Invasive surgery allow us to provide you a high quality surgery with the smallest possible incision coupled with a fast recovery time. This is available for those patients needing a simple decompression or a fusion. We can perform a multilevel or single level laminectomy through a 1-2 inch incision. A minimally invasive fusion is also done as an outpatient in most cases through small incisions. There is often far less pain after surgery and most can return to work within weeks depending on their employment.
Read More - Fusions Read More - LaminectomyScoliosis Treatment
Scoliosis is when there is a significant curvature in the spine. It often happens in those with neuromuscular conditions or for many the cause is Idiopathic (unknown cause). Scoliosis is often diagnosed in adolescence and has an incidence of 1/1000, affecting females more often than males. While it may start out as a mild, it's very possible that scoliosis can worsen over time and cause issues throughout life if untreated. It's important to measure the curves early and watch for progression to avoid any complications that can occur due to severe scoliosis.
Read MoreHerniated Disc Treatment
If you are suffering from arm or leg pain/numbness, one of the possible diagnoses for these symptoms, is a herniated disc. These can be a problem throughout life often starting in your twenties. This can be associated with normal age related degenerative issues, trauma, lifting events, etc. Although the topic of a herniated disc is what is noted, the above-mentioned symptoms could be attributed to other conditions, so to learn more please call our office to schedule an appointment with our Orthopedic Spine Surgeon.
Read MoreArtificial Disc Replacement
Back pain can be excruciating to deal with and can cause a plethora of problems to occur in your daily life. One of the most common causes of back pain is degenerative disc disease. This happens when the discs in the spine begin to erode with age. When dealing with this disease, you may be wondering how you'll be able to restore mobility to your spine as well as ease some of the pain that you deal with. One way that can help you enjoy your normal life is artificial disc replacement.
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We offer a wide range of services including Scoliosis Treatment, Artificial Disc Replacement, Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Treatment for Herniated Discs, Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion, and more.
Featured Treatments
- Thorascopic Fusions for Scoliosis
- Translumbar lnterbody Fusions
- Anterior Lumbar Fusions
- Posterior Pedicle Screw Fixation
- Artificial Disc Replacement
- Scoliosis
- Sspondylolisthesis
- Spinal Stenosis
- Sports Related Spine Injuries
- Tumor or Spine Cancer
- Neck and Low Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Fractures
- Degenerative/Arthritic Spine issues
- Disc Herniation or Disc Bulge
- Spine Infections
- Radiculitis
Spine Disorders of Arizona
We offer a wide range of services including Scoliosis Treatment, Artificial Disc Replacement, Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Treatment for Herniated Discs, Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion, and more.
Our focus is on conservative spine treatment for neck and low back pain, including trunk stabilization physical therapy, various types of medications, activity modification, and therapeutic injections.
There are a number of surgery options available to the patient who has not responded to the available conservative treatment programs, and often benefit positively from skillfully applied spine surgery intervention.
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