
Adult and Pediatric Scoliosis Reconstruction 

Scoliosis is when there is a significant curvature in the spine. It often happens in those with neuromuscular conditions or for many the cause is Idiopathic (unknown cause). Scoliosis is often diagnosed in adolescence and has an incidence of 1/1000, affecting females more often than males. While it may start out as a mild, it's very possible that scoliosis can worsen over time and cause issues throughout life if untreated. It's important to measure the curves early and watch for progression to avoid any complications that can occur due to severe scoliosis.

Treating Scoliosis

Often, if a case is mild, you may never need to worry about treatment. Your doctor may just suggest regular checkups throughout life to see if the curve is worsening and in need of treatment. Depending on the severity of your scoliosis, your doctor may recommend different forms of treatment to help stop the curve from getting any worse.

Often, your doctor will first recommend conservative treatment, especially for a child who has bones that are still growing. The first form of treatment is often a brace. A b race can't cure or reverse scoliosis, but it can prevent the condition from getting any worse Often, braces are made of plastic and are designed to contour to your body. It's meant to be worn for a majority of the day to increase effectiveness.

If scoliosis is severe, your doctor may recommend surgery to deal w ith the curve. This could be through spinal fusion, where your doctor w ill fuse together vertebrae in the spine to help hold the spine straight.

Another form of surgery is with an expanding rod. This is usually suggested for children who have rapidly developing scoliosis and the rod can be lengthened every 3 to 6 months.

If you're struggling with scoliosis, it may be time to consider what your treatment options may be. Contact us at 602-218-6556 for more information.