Minimally Invasive surgery allow us to provide you a high quality surgery with the smallest possible incision coupled with a fast recovery time. This is available for those patients needing a simple decompression or a fusion. We can perform a multilevel or single level laminectomy through a 1-2 inch incision. A minimally invasive fusion is also done as an outpatient in most cases through small incisions. There is often far less pain after surgery and most can return to work within weeks depending on their employment.
Dr. Pitt is trained in Minimally Invasive techniques for all types of spine disorders and utilizes traditional and state of the art surgical techniques such as artificial disc replacement, microdiscectomy, minimally invasive spinal fusions, as well as many others
Our Featured Treatments
- Thorascopic Fusions for Scoliosis
- Translumbar lnterbody Fusions
- Anterior Lumbar Fusions
- Posterior Pedicle Screw Fixation
- Artificial Disc Replacement